Friday, 29 January 2016

St Josephs Convent - more salvaged from Friends Reunited

With the closure of Friends Reunited here are the Convent posts so that they will not be lost.

Right click & 'save as' to read clearerr images off line

Memories of teachers -

1 comment:

  1. Thankyou so much for saving all this and for writing in such a nice way about St Joseph's Convent Hatherly Rd (You,ve made me chuckle too! ). My two girls were attending the school at the time of it's closure...a very difficult time for us to find another school to take them and many of the parents had just paid the fees and bought new uniform.. We remember dear little Sister Marie Antoinette and Miss Mansey and Miss Cortino very well ( may have spelt names wrong and might be Mrs not Miss , apologies) . Love the pictures..please add more ! :)
