Monday, 23 May 2016


In the early hours GMT of 23 May, the Iraq's Prime Minister Haider Al-Abadi  announced the start of a major offensive to retake Fallujah from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) group, which was quickly followed by reports of heavy shelling in the city.

I wish speedy and total victory to the forces of the Republic of Iraq.  The faults & tensions in the Iraqi government which were exacerbated by the blundering & incompetence of the Anglo-American invasion with Tony Blair's over simplistic 'democracy good, dictatorship bad' (maxim he doesn't apply to Saudi Arabia, China or other countries that are financially useful to Britain or himself. Tony Blair has been well paid by  Saudi oil firms as a business envoy to China too.Going from one country with a terrible human rights record to another with no compunction despite being a former PM whose role was to uphold legal and constitutional ethics).

Saddam Hussein warned that he and his security forces were 'keeping on ice' theocratic fundamentalists. Those have been further inflamed by the internecine conflict, lack of political control and recruitment  by exploiting non-Iraqi's ignorance & gullibility to be seduced by quotes from ultra-conservative clerics from 800 years ago.

Retaking Fallujah will end the government of rape, murder, misogyny, suppressing girls education, under age sexual relations, slavery and torture that ISIL have inflicted on a nation that was one of the birth places of civilsation &  was progressive not so long ago.

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