Saturday, 15 June 2019

VIN AND SORI  🇮🇪 Primodial-The Coffin Ships Reaction!! Long live 🇮🇪!!!!

Thanks for doing this great band, Maybe do another Irish band my cousin's band 'Dead Can Dance' perhaps Ulysses, or Song of the Seraphim.

The song is about the Irish Potato Famine. Britain is partly to blame for letting people die, but harvests across Europe from 1848 failed due to the climate.. The British gov of Lord John Russell greatly increased the deaths by ignoring the Irish proletariat. Britain has avoided famine,last one 1829 then no more due to rail transport moving food quickly an still fresh across the country.

 My great great grandfather, Tim Healey , the future Governor General of the Free State and leader of the Irish Nationalists & his brother leader of the All Ireland League were born into the famine, and a few arrived in Liverpool aged 12 with the Irish emigration escaping poverty and hunger. Instead they arrived into the overcrowded working class Liverpool where children worked in the cotton mills. Tim Healey's friend William Davit, another child emigre, had his arm ripped off by a loom in Liverpool when he was child.

The looms were large steel teethed combs which were used to untangle cotton. Children and women being smaller had to run across the room to pick up the piles of cotton that had accumulated on the floor. Sometimes decapitation or death occurred. The conditions in the cities of England convinced Tim Healey and others to be more radical and revolutionary because if the ruling classes were prepared to ignore the poor and dying on their streets they would do little for those in Ireland.

 It was that experience that emphasised Karl Marx's views. He was already a revolutionary having been part of the Dresden Uprising, and in London, in the next street from my university where I was studying chemistry he saw people in the gutter.

 You mention 1349. To me this is one of the most important dates in history. When princes and bishops were dying from the Black Death it caused many to reject the authority of Church and State, and seek free thinking, and a more equal society. Prior attempts had failed. This was the beginning of Enlightenment thinking that solidified 400 years later and the Renaissance greatly accelerated.

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