Monday, 21 February 2022


 N.B. - I have had relatives who have served in the MET and in counter-terrorism. The criticisms of the MET below are specific to  crimes and officers and are not to be taken as a criticism of most or all serving officers.

So it's been a week since a shock announcement shortly before 7pm on Thursday 10 February 2022.

On the 9th the Commissioner of the MET Police once again reiterrated that she was staying put. The following day Dame Cressida Dick submitted a proposal to the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, on MET reforms. Khan had already abruptly  moved from confidence in the Commissioner to saying she "was on borrowed time." Whatever Cressida put under his nose he did not like the smell of it and the British gentlemanly firing occurred: he said he had 'no confidence' and she submitted her resignation; and kept a massive termination of contract payout (£785,000) and a police pension of £160,000 per annum.

Many could have told the Mayor of  London that a large section of the public lost confidence in Cressida Dick long ago. LBC has a yearly public 'Ask The Mayor' in a hall in  London. This broadcast gets heated when the MET Police and the Commissioner are the topic. People asking questions about murdered relatives and abuse victims are told repeatedly to stop as they could be arrested. The response from these questioners is,"Come and arrest me." That is how reviled the head of the MET Police has been for a long time. 

It has also been revealed that there is a large volume of abusive and unprofessional messages circulating amoung some officers.  Charing Cross Police Station was identified as one of the centres of this.

For the anonymity of victims and future prosecutions some information is withheld.  There are other cases and issues which are not written about here-


One set of cases I have been fighting years to get justice for are the victims of a number of violent white youths & young men living in the Glyndon Ward  in Woowich, SE 28.
This includes the case I have raised repeatedly on social media of a neighbour: a young black mother who was racially threatened and nearly knifed in front of her three year old child.  She was saved by a neighbour in a wheelchair who confronted the three 18 year olds.
I was away for a few days and returned the following day to see her crying while detailing to a police sergeant what had happened to her. Her life was in danger. I was a victim of an unprovoked GBH by the same men and was told "Next time I'm  gonna knife you." That very nearly did happen on more than occassion.  I informed the police immediately when I was attacked, only after my local college insisted they call an ambulance first as there was blood pouring out of my  face.
So an immediate statement was followed four days later with a signed statement at CID Plumstead.  Two hours later,  as I finally made my way out of London for a couple of weeks,  I saw my attackers, phoned my CID contact immediately and he did nothing! This is half a mile from Plumstead Police Station; he did nothing about a violent gang who had come close to blinding me. He also did not collect the     CCTV footage that I told him was at the college showing me arriving. The police have repeatedly said the street cameras "were pointing the wrong way." That can be disproved by walking down a train platform which has the same layout of CCTV.

When I spoke at the college I was studying at, a load more students  came forward to the Principal that they had been threatened, mugged or assaulted. The college immediately contacted the local police and officers did do something probably from the same set of uniformed officers I first saw after my GBH.  But nothing more appears to have been done after the initial police information gathering.
-In the same area a 16 year old was knifed to death in 2007. The murder was never solved and there was evidence pointing at the same people who  attacked myself, my neighbour ( she was still terrified in her own home months later; unsurprising living so close to her attackers) and others.  It was only in 2021 a specialist police unit added additional identifying details and the llinkto the 2007 murder. Previous contact with the CID Plumstead had only met with excuses and apathy.

At the time I was living in Woolwich I was committed to bringing these local violent and racist thugs to justice. I contacted Greenwich Council,a supposedly left-wing council who also made excuses and PR bumf which I criticised them for. Then suddenly my  Housing Benefit was stopped and I was made homeless by Greenwich Council.

I contacted a number of activists, organisations and MPs including  Jeremy Corbyn and Diane Abbot through to this year. With a few notable exceptions  they have remained silent on this MET Police failure regarding serious and racial violence.

Police entered the home of a woman, whose relatives were unable to contact. I was the first person the police spoke to after the police and her daughter found her dead.  I have never heard the police so angry, they were convinced it was a homicide and later did give a few forensic details which also appear in my forensic  books. I'm withholding details on this case to prevent issues of subjudicy.  The police opened a murder investigation. Some years later I requested details from the archive. The file was not in the archive, and the archieist suddenly changed from friendly to hostile after a query was submitted to the MET as to what had happened to the file.
The MET have sent a letter with a prewritten excuse as to why the file is missing. The falseness of the claim in the letter is easily disproved. There is also a MET letter here which shows a disturbing lack of basic  knowledge of Death Certificates by many MET officers.

Years of excuses from Islington CID regarding what every professional who has heard the details has described as an immediate murder investigation. There is written proof that CID officers destroyed signed statements and other evidence provided to them. More than once too. A Detective Inspector Alex phoned me and the first thing he angrily demanded was "Who told you this was a murder case." Didn't like it when I pointed out some of the people who had stated that, He promised to get back to me in a week. Never happened.

This case has also shown a critical flaw in the Police Reform Act 2002   and the current Policing Bill going through Parliament. Complaints against the MET can be passed to the the MET's Conduct Dept. They use the P.R.A. to refuse to even look at evidence or information. Instead they claim "it has been investigated." Another lie easy to disprove: the complaint contains new information which has not been submitted before. There is no previous information since the police never recorded any information supplied. Repeated FOI requests have had no response. Again that is contrary to the rules and IOPC requests remain unanswered.

-Further information has been redacted to avoid  sub judice.

Myself and my family have had other contacts with the police over the decades and have had positive if limited results with uniformed officers (there have been a few very different experiences for a different post) and some good CID and specialist officers. But for years it has been a completely negative experience with a number of CID depts in different parts of the MET.

This is an outrage I have  brough up repeatedly with the MET during my contacts as a demonstartion of corruption and apathy amoung some depts and officers.
In 2010 the IPCC published a report that the MET Sapphire Rape Units had illegally refused to record reported sexual crime in order to massage down the crime stats.  Some of the men reported by the women were later convicted of other rapes. The MET did discipline some officers.  Others were later promoted.  This and other cases where the police are proven to have ignored victims of violence and sexual assault including multiple victims, demonstrate that it's often a lie when police, government and council PR clain "lessons have been learned, we are committed to prosecution, we uphold the law."

One of the families I am in contact with, their son was murdered, while two police officers sat in a car and saw it happen.  The coroner shouted at the police in the Coroners Court. The case was featured more than once on BBC's CrimeWatch. The indentities of the attackers are known. The Chief Constable of Liverpool promised the family that he was personally investigate the police failure. Nothing happened. He was later promoted to MET Commissioner. He is Bernard Hogan-Howe.


I met Daniel a few times.  He and dad had offices next to eachother for a time. The day that Daniel was murdered, he contacted dad to meet him. Dad gave a couple of details but it was only in 2021 I was told more by a relative of what had happened; dad had played it down so as not to worry us. Daniel was very worried. He had uncovered something and said that his life would be in danger. This and other details of the conversation they had, dad tried repeatedly to tell the MET. 

He was ejected from police stations a couple of times. Using contacts, he had a top security clearance back then was able to pass a message to senior MET dept via a government department. The MET responded with an immediate refusal to receive any information.  

A document appeared in the recent period showing CID burying a revived Daniel Morgan's murder investigation in the 1990s. Commissioner Cressida Dick did everything she could to avoid cooperating with the 8 year inquiry into Daniel's murder.


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